The government has found a way to deal with the stray dogs: DEATH. To my mind, the solution is a chill reminder of the extreme measures Hitler and Stalin used during the second world war! And I still can't believe they are doing it 70 years later after the war.
The fact that such things happen in such a beautiful country like Romania is a disgrace. These politicians are nothing but barbars. In a way, they are similar to the Nazi leaders who did not personally kill the Jews but just signed the order for the Holocaust to happen! If killing is the best solution these greedy and ignorant politicians can think of, then it is very close to "The Ultimate Solution" that Hitler implemented to exterminate the Jews. And so, they are not different from the Nazis! Shame on them! In fact, this extreme measure is nothing but a way for them to steal more money, because killing the dogs will ask for more money than sterilization, which is, in fact, the real solution! The truth is painful indeed: we are governed by a bunch of thieves and criminals!
To understand more about this problem, read
and watch the movies below:
Am creat acest blog cu gândul la voi, elevii mei.Cred ca două ore pe săptămână nu sunt suficiente pentru ca un profesor să reuşească să transmită cantitatea de informaţii, gânduri şi sentimente pe care doreşte să le împărtăşească cu elevii săi, fie în română fie în engleză :). Deşi nu poate înlocui comunicarea "face to face", realitatea virtuală poate ajuta. Sper din tot sufletul că vizitând acest blog veţi deveni mai buni, mai înţelepţi şi mai puternici.
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marți, 22 noiembrie 2011
duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011
Cunoscut si folosit de peste 2000 de ani in regiunile muntoase din Tibet, Goji este, dupa cele mai recente studii, cel mai puternic antioxidant din lume. Este folosit in tratarea unei serii de afectiuni, chiar cronice, precum cancerul si este supranumit "happy berry" datorita starii de bine pe care o induce.
Acest fruct minune contine 18 amino acizi, inclusiv cei 8 aminoacizi care sunt esentiali. O cantitate de 100 de grame de Goji contine 36 % fier, 175% vitamina C, 39% potasiu, 54% magneziu si 11% calciu din DZR (doza zilnica recomandata).Contine vitaminele B1, B2, B6 si vitamina E care se regaseste foarte rar in fructe.Goji contine 21 de minerale, printre care si germaniu, un agent anticancerigen gasit foarte rar in alimente; mai contine betaina, benefica in depresii si stari anxioase, acizi grasi esentiali, Physalin, un compus activ care lupta impotriva formelor principale de leucemiei si solavetivona- un puternic agent antifungic si antibacterial.
Pe scara ORAC, (Oxigen Absorbance Capacity), fructele de goji berry au cea mai mare cantitate antioxidanta, cu o valoare impresionanta de 3472 unitati ORAC(unitatile ORAC se exprima la 100g).Gasiti Goji in magazinele de produse naturiste. 100 de grame costa cat... un pachet de tigari!!! :) :)
luni, 14 noiembrie 2011
JOD: Sfantul Petru si Romanii
Sf.Petru a pierdut intr-o zi cheile de la Portile Raiului. Dumnezeu l-a pedepsit astfel: timp de trei zile sa pazeasca lacurile in adancul carora se aflau sufletele unor popoare, in asa fel incat apele sa nu fie deloc tulburate. In prima zi Sf.Petru a pazit lacul chinezilor. A muncit enorm, intrucat chinezii erau numerosi si scoteau des capul la suprafata, tulburand apele.
Sf.Petru nu mai prididea sa-i infunde inapoi in lac.
In a doua zi Sf. Petru a pazit lacul rusilor. Iar a muncit enorm pentru ca rusii, desi mai putini, erau caposi: scoteau capul la suprafata de cate doua-trei ori. In ultima zi Sf.Petru a pazit lacul romanilor.
Unde s-a odihnit cat a vrut. De fiecare data cand un roman scotea capul deasupra apei se gaseau alti doi care il trageau la fund.
:) :) :)
Sf.Petru nu mai prididea sa-i infunde inapoi in lac.
In a doua zi Sf. Petru a pazit lacul rusilor. Iar a muncit enorm pentru ca rusii, desi mai putini, erau caposi: scoteau capul la suprafata de cate doua-trei ori. In ultima zi Sf.Petru a pazit lacul romanilor.
Unde s-a odihnit cat a vrut. De fiecare data cand un roman scotea capul deasupra apei se gaseau alti doi care il trageau la fund.
:) :) :)
miercuri, 9 noiembrie 2011
In case you were wondering if there will be a time when you can print an object just like you Xerox copy a sheet of paper, well, I have news for you: THE TIME IS HERE! I have just watched this incredible National Geographic documentary about space and I couldn't believe my eyes. I hope you guys will find it as fascinating as I did. Inevitably, it raises the question: IS CLONING GETTING CLOSER?!...
luni, 7 noiembrie 2011
sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011
QOD: Confucius - 3 ways to learn wisdom
By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest
Confucius - Chinese philosopher
Confucius - Chinese philosopher
miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011
The video of the day comes from one of the greatest voices ever: Jon Secada. An amazing performer and this song that I recommend is just unbelievable. There are many versions on youtube and is hard to choose. I had to reduce the number of my choices to three. As Jon Secada sings both in English and Spanish two of the versions are sung in both languages. But what a performance!That high note at the end of the song is just mind-blowing! You have the lyrics below:
Angel (lyrics)
I, I can't read the future
But I still want to hold you close
Right now, is all I want from you
So give me the morning
Sharing another day
With you, is all I want to know
And baby I, I've tried to forget you
But the light of your eyes still shine
You shine like an angel
A spirit that won't let me go
I, I didn't want to tell you
Things I didn't want to know myself
I was afraid to show
But you gave me a reason
A reason to face the truth
To face the truth, face the truth, face the truth
And baby I, I've tried to forget you
But the light of your eyes still shine
You shine like an angel
A spirit that won't let me go
Won't let me go
Let go of my heart
The second song is called JUST ANOTHER DAY WITHOUT YOU. Explosive is the word!
Angel (lyrics)
I, I can't read the future
But I still want to hold you close
Right now, is all I want from you
So give me the morning
Sharing another day
With you, is all I want to know
And baby I, I've tried to forget you
But the light of your eyes still shine
You shine like an angel
A spirit that won't let me go
I, I didn't want to tell you
Things I didn't want to know myself
I was afraid to show
But you gave me a reason
A reason to face the truth
To face the truth, face the truth, face the truth
And baby I, I've tried to forget you
But the light of your eyes still shine
You shine like an angel
A spirit that won't let me go
Won't let me go
Let go of my heart
The second song is called JUST ANOTHER DAY WITHOUT YOU. Explosive is the word!
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