I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I am perfect
How do you call a sheep with no legs? - A cloud
What are three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? - "Hold my purse!"
Am creat acest blog cu gândul la voi, elevii mei.Cred ca două ore pe săptămână nu sunt suficiente pentru ca un profesor să reuşească să transmită cantitatea de informaţii, gânduri şi sentimente pe care doreşte să le împărtăşească cu elevii săi, fie în română fie în engleză :). Deşi nu poate înlocui comunicarea "face to face", realitatea virtuală poate ajuta. Sper din tot sufletul că vizitând acest blog veţi deveni mai buni, mai înţelepţi şi mai puternici.
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miercuri, 20 februarie 2013
miercuri, 13 februarie 2013
Romania se pregateste pentru o noua editie EARTH HOUR. In acest an, vom avea si un tricou oficial. In acest sens, WWF-România organizeaza un concurs pentru a desemna logo-ul oficial care va fi imprimat pe tricouri. Participa si tu la acest concurs cu un desen original.
Mai mult, informeaza-te cu privire la acest eveniment extraordinar care a reunit anul trecut mai mult de 1.2 miliarde de oameni
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Mai mult, informeaza-te cu privire la acest eveniment extraordinar care a reunit anul trecut mai mult de 1.2 miliarde de oameni
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sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2013
Leonardo Di Caprio has recently announced that he will take an indefinite break from Hollywood. Normally, this would be sad news, as Leo is an incredibly talented actor. However, Di Caprio announced that he will travel the globe trying to help the environment. Well, that's really great news! We need famous figures to join the efforts to save this planet from self-destruction. They have the amazing chance to attract an enormous number of common people and so, the "army"will grow bigger. To get more familiar with Di Caprio's efforts to save the planet, watch the documentary that he produced, called THE 11TH HOUR. Another thing to do is to visit leonardodicaprio.org
Did you know that there are only 3200 tigers left in the wild? One hundred years ago, there were 100 000.
How many years, months or maybe days will pass from the disappearance of the tiger to the disappearance of man?
Humanity is living its 11th hour.
Let's spread the word. Let's take action!
Did you know that there are only 3200 tigers left in the wild? One hundred years ago, there were 100 000.
How many years, months or maybe days will pass from the disappearance of the tiger to the disappearance of man?
Humanity is living its 11th hour.
Let's spread the word. Let's take action!
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