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miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011

AOD (The Article of the day)

Starting today I have thought about introducing a new kind of post on my blog. It is called AOD, which stands for The Article of the Day. It's like an extra piece of homework that u have to do (I know you hate homework so don't think about this like homework, but rather like a very useful or interesting article, all right?). I expect you to read the articles that I recommend and posts some comments on this blog.

So here's the AOD today about an amazing medical case which proves that when God says "no" , death cannot do anything but watch!...


4 comentarii:

  1. Does it still count as homework if I already finished college (the British version of high school)?
    I choose not to be a stranger, and I quite enjoy this blog.. even if I'm a third year university student.

  2. Hi E.! Good 2 see you like my blog and you are a fervent follower. Still, I am curious. Was I your teacher or somebody else? It would be nice if you could reveal your identity. I promise I don't give u extra homework:)

  3. Oh, I apologise, wanted to reveal who I am in my email, but I didn't get around to finish it as uni work is killing me at the moment. I'm Iuliana, your ex student that's a bit far away from home now. :)

  4. All right, Iuliana, it's good 2 know that. I should have known that it was u because of the British actors...:)Thanks for following my blog and posting on it. Take care of u!
