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sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011


“Colorantul caramel” utilizat pentru a colora toate bauturile de tip cola ale brandurilor de top nu este caramel natural. In schimb, se produce prin reactia zaharurilor cu amoniac si sulfiti la temperaturi ridicate. Din aceasta reactie se formeaza 2-metilimidazol (2MI) si 4-metilimidazol(4-MI) , despre care guvernul SUA a descoperit, prin documentari, ca determina aparitia cancerului la mamifere.
Aceste lucruri sunt scoase la lumina multumita unui efort al CSPI, care acum a depus o petitie de reglementare pentru interzicerea acestor produse chimice din compozitia bauturilor de tip cola.
In statul California, produsele Coca-Cola si Pepsi ar putea, curand, sa aiba pe ambalaj avertismentul ca pot determina aparitia cancerului.

Cititi mai multe pe  http://codexalimentarius.info/?p=604#more-604

dar si pe  http://www.thedailygreen.com/healthy-eating/eat-safe/cola-carmel-color-carcinogen

5 comentarii:

  1. we live in a world infected by the stupidity and irresponsibility of some of us!the unconscious are those who buy these products and fall into their trap...so be careful,pay attention at what you buy!stay safe!

  2. US goverment, with his army of scientist always knew what to say to control the americans. I onestly think that this studies are nothing but ways to manipulate the people...

  3. U must be still drinking Coca Cola, Adelin, right? :)Come on, u don't have to be a genius to figure out that Coke contains dangerous additives and a lot of hidden sugar!

  4. I only drink Coke when someone, as a good host, offers me a glass of something to drink. I'm not sayin' that Coke doesn't contain nothin' "dangerous", 'cause I've seen those Myth Busters experiments on it. :)) Anyway, let me give You an example of a scientists study; Last year, the US scientists launched a report regarding to causes of american people gettin' so fat. Not a single line in that report was refferin' to the fact that they eat a lot of junk food. No, the said somethin' about some disease causing it. How much are You willin' to bet that in the future there will be launched a cure for that "disease"? And the american people, well known for their low IQ will spend a lot of money on that cure... You see my point? (sorry for my misspellin', if there is some...)

  5. Yes, Adelin, but on the other hand we have so many Internet sites which alert us on the danger of fast food. So the decision is ours after all. Don't worry about misspelling, what is important is communication:)
