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marți, 7 februarie 2012

Calculeaza-ti indicele de risc pentru cele mai serioase boli! - Harvard School of Public Health

Hello dragii mei!

Harvard School of Public Health ne pune la dispozitie un site super, care ne ajuta sa ne calculam indicele de risc pentru cateva dintre cele mai serioase boli, precum cancerul, boli de inima, diabet, osteoporoza si atac cerebral (=stroke). Problema si provocarea pentru voi este ca totul se petrece in engleza! Asadar, va incumetati? :) 


3 comentarii:

  1. This online test is very useful because it can open your eyes and see at what diseases are you exposed :)

  2. Very interesting!I've made a test,so it's a good opportunity to learn new thing about your health!
    A balanced life provides a healthy lifetime !
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    Stay safe and healthy!God bless you!:)

  3. I am very glad this site was useful to you! Stay safe and away from diseases by keeping a balanced diet! Thanks a lot for your feedback
