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duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

The tragedy that marked the beginning of the new millenium

September 12. One day after September 11 and nine years since the tragedy.Last night I watched a heartbreaking documentary named After the Towers Fell. It reminded me once again of the terror that fell on America with the collapse of the two towers. The death toll was 3000 people. Almost ten years have passed, still, so many questions remain: how did this happen? who organized these horrendous attacks and why? There are theories which claim that this was a self-inflicted wound, that is, it was organized from inside. Can this be true? What do you think? How much do you know about WTC attacks? How do you feel about this tragedy? Is it important to find out the truth about what happened on 11 September 2001? Please post your thoughts below.
In order to have a better picture of the tragic dimension of these terrorist acts, you may want to visit

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4sRi5stG10&feature=related --OH MY GOD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrB9BeshaiM&feature=related   --- I HOPE I LIVE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3noUOlPJuhk ----SECOND TOWER COMING DOWN
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btftaMMav4I&feature=related ---NO TOWERS AT ALL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OWeGGJxnLY  --- TOWER FALL INCREDIBLE UP CLOSE


8 comentarii:

  1. totul este o minciuna legat de marile guverne chiar.Crede cineva tampeniile ca tareroristii exista?Nu desigur o sa vi se para ceva ciudat dar marile asa zise"grupuri teroriste" precum Al-Qaeda sau altii sunt defapt niste grupuri militare intretinute cu bani de la guvernul american,practic devin niste asasini,mercenari.De ce va intrebati pai unul din motive ar fi acela ca americanii find o tara mare consuma si foarte mult combustibil si cum bine stiti Iraq,Iran si zona din jur este bogata in combustibili.Deci prin urmare americanii s-au gandit sa dea cateva milioane de dolari si sa-si distruga turnurile gemene,asta doar pentru ai face pe americani sa creada ca exista teroristi si sa aiba un motiv sa ocupe Iraqul si Afganistanul pentru a putea fura petrolul.Asta este asa ceva in mare insa pentru a va face niste idei si pentru a afla totul despre minciunile marilor guverne va recomnd filmele

    Zeitgeist The Movie , Zeitgeist Addendum si Ingerul Digital 1 si 2 le puteti viziona online cautati pe google exact cum v-am scris este si cu subtitrare in romana

    cateva siteuri:



  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO25wNYohtw&feature=related...i think is amazing!

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwaTZcbxEuQ&feature=related

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM9EXxB8S6g&feature=channel

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV6Wh-KX3bY&feature=related

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut-XaGC4SiE&feature=related

  7. Teacher maybe you should debate that conspiracy theory on you re blog !!!is quite interesting !!
    I would like you to imagine USA whithout all that oil from Irak Afganistan in this time of crisis!!!I hope i didn t do any mistakes in this text with my rusted english unused since twelve grade!!:)

  8. http://jesuslovesfriendship.blogspot.com/
