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10 YEARS FROM 9/11
Exactly 10 years ago, the whole world was hopelessly watching how incredible acts of terrorism made the two twin towers of WORLD TRADE CENTER collapse killing thousands of innocent people(among them many firefighters and police officers). There were two more hijacked planes, one hitting the Pentagon (the best defended building in the world - how was this possible??) and another one crashing in Pennsylvania, after an alleged fight of the passangers with the hijackers. We will never understand how this horrible crime was possible. There are many theories, oscillating between a terrorist attack orchestrated by Al Quaeda and the conspiracy theory according to which everything was organized with the accept and the support of the Bush administration. Although there was an official inquiry at the time, it did not bring much light on this tragedy. On the contrary, unanswered questions raised even more suspicion. We may never find out the truth about 9/11. But what remains is the incredible pictures and movies of the two planes hitting the buildings, of fire, of sirens, of people screaming and jumping off the windows to their death and the chaos that followed the collapse of the buildings. There remains the enormous, never-to-go-away pain of the families who lost somebody dear but also the beautiful memory of the ones who died.
Personally, I think it is the duty of every human being to get informed as much as possible about what happened (to the best of our knowledge) on 11 September 2011. Only this way, we will be able to cherish the memory of the 3000 victims of this horrendous crime.
May they rest in peace and may God watch over their families!
wow!how time pass by...its been 1o years from that disaster which shaken the world,but as you said,there are still questions without answers!you know,I've been watching on B1(I think!)and it was an interesting conversation on this subject!wow!I've relived that moment once again!So many people were killed,each of them with an unspoken story...so many who left behind a family,relatives,friends...3000people...
RăspundețiȘtergereits regrettable!
Personally, I think we must get involved in problems,in actions that really matters(for example-Let's do it Romania!),to stand, to fight together for common causes!
We never must give up hope...and our faith in God!
May they rest in peace and may God watch over their families!
Yeah, it was an upsetting moment in history that we might never forget and especially the families that lost their loved ones in that disaster. But, we need to start looking forward and i've been researching and i've found that the NewYorkers are building up a skyscraper right next to the place the twin towers were to their memory and if you look from a certain angle it looks like the towers themself. May the victims rest in peace!