"The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated" (William James)
"Cel mai profund principiu al naturii umane este setea de a fi apreciat" (William James)
How true this is, isn't it? Don't we all struggle to be appreciated? And how easily we get angry when someone criticizes us! Therefore, when we criticize or scold somebody, don't you think we should choose our words better? Think about this next time you are ready to have an argument with somebody! Nobody likes to be contradicted bluntly! Why? Because everybody has an ego and we should be careful not to "tread" on this ego, otherwise we may turn a friend into an enemy. And I guess no one wants to have enemies, right?
Sa lasi pe cineva sa-si pastreze onoarea...CAT de important ,extrem de important este acest lucru!Si cat de putini dintre noi se opresc vreodata sa se gandeasca la acest lucru...Calcam in picioare sentimentele altora,obtinand ceea ce dorim,invinuind,lasand amenintari,criticand o persoana in public,fara sa tinem cont de rana pe care o provocam mandriei celeilalte persoane.In vreme ce cateva minute de gandire,cateva cuvinte atente,o intelegere autentica a atitudinii celeilalte persoane ar contribui in masura atat de mare la alinarea durerii provocate de critici!
RăspundețiȘtergereAntoine de Saint-Exupery spunea:''Nu am dreptul de a spune sau de a face nimic din ceea ce determina un om sa se simta mai mic in ochii sai.Ceea ce conteaza nu e ceea ce cred eu despre el,ci ceea ce crede el despre sine.A rani demnitatea unui om este o crima.''
yes, when you do a lot of things for a person and she/he don't appreciated, hurts and you think twice before do something for that person , but when she/he appreciated you have a good feeling and next time when she/he need help you are first who is there for that person.
RăspundețiȘtergereGreat quote from Exupery, Ana! Indeed, hurting somebody's feelings is never an option! But how many of us really think about this before opening their mouths to speak?...
RăspundețiȘtergereYes,Andreea, it's always important to respect the others like you respect yourself. A piece of advice, if I may. You can replace HE/SHE with THEY
RăspundețiȘtergereFor example: when you do a lot of things for a person and they don't appreciate you ...
Thanks a lot for posting:)