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vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011


WORRIED WELL  = people who are worried (or convinced) that they have a particular disease, even though they are physically well (in other words, they do not actually have the disease)

 A synonym for this expression is the word HYPOCHONDRIAC which describes a person who worries a lot about their health and thinks that they are ill when they are not

An article on BBC News entitled ' Dealing with the worried well' reads:  ' This week it emerged that some three million people in the UK suffer from imaginary food intolerances. Are we really a nation of hypochondriacs?' 

To read the full article, go to 


luni, 24 ianuarie 2011


HAMMOCK = a bed consisting of a long piece of cloth or net tied at each end to posts or trees

Here's a quote from one of my students' test paper that I liked very much: "In my perfect world I dream to sleep at night under the stars in a hammock where I don't need to wear any clothes...". The definition of FREEDOM, don't you agree? :)

Where is summer...? :(

MACHETE  /məˈʃeti/ = a large knife with a long blade, used as a weapon or tool. A machete is very useful when one wants to cut through the dense vegetation in the jungle

duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Ninge iar

Ninge cu ziuă peste noapte
Ninge cu noapte peste zi
Ninge cu viscol peste şoapte
Cu a trăi peste-a muri

Ninge domol, în şei intacte
Şi plâng toţi mieii cei cuminţi
Ninge dramatic în trei acte
Pe prostituate şi pe sfinţi

Ninge cu aşchii de lumină
Peste copii bolnăvicioşi
Ninge pe crunta noastră vină
De-a fi uitat să fim frumoşi

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011


A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have (ABRAHAM LINCOLN)

miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011


Tehnologia ne poate schimba viata în bine. Internetul ajuta deja milioane de oameni sa comunice în timp real. Odata cu dezvoltarea tehnologiei computerizate pe fondul unei economii globalizate se dezvolta noi oportunitati de afaceri. Intr-o lume în care “time is money” shopping-ul on-line a devenit o necesitate. Sunt studii care arata ca în unele ţări ca Germania şi Japonia procentajul celor care fac cumparaturi on-line în mod regulat este de 70%. Din acest shopping on-line toata lumea profita. Google face un profit de 1,3 milioane de dolari pe zi datorita unui simplu click dat de milioane de utilizatori! Acum putem si noi să câştigăm bani promovând asemenea site-uri. Pre-Launch Malaesya este o noua oportunitate de afaceri. Ideea este simpla. Te alaturi sistemului si promovezi aceasta aplicatie şi celorlati. La rândul lor, aceştia recrutează alţi membri. Cu cât se răspândeşte mai rapid ideea, cu atât mai mulţi useri vor fi. Aplicatia este folosita de către sutele sau miile de useri pe care îi bagi în sistem şi care fac shopping on line şi astfel pentru fiecare click, poţi câştiga bani. (applicaţia acceseaza practic cele mai importante motoare de căutare gen Google, Yahoo, Opera, etc, pentru a oferi cele mai ieftine preţuri de pe piaţă). Cred că este o idee pe cât de simplă pe atât de eficientă pentru că poţi face bani chiar dacă tu personal nu faci shopping on-line. Ideea deja a prins bine în ţările vorbitoare de limbă engleză şi acum se răspândeşte pe marile pieţe din Malezia, Singapore, dar şi Europa. Ce este cu adevărat fain este că înregistrarea este GRATIS!!! (Deocamdată! In curând probabil vor introduce o taxă, caci vorba romanului  - "o minune nu tine mai mult de 3 zile!") 
Şi atunci, daca nu ne costă nimic, de ce să nu încercăm? 
Inregistrati-va acum pe http://www.prelaunchmalaysia.com/razvanmacovei (du-te la rubrica JOIN si completeaza acolo datele personale) şi fiti printre primii din Romania care promoveaza aceasta idee! Cine ştie, mai încolo s-ar putea să va pară rău că nu ati făcut-o! Grăbiti-va! Vorba pe NET se răspândeşte rapid!...

luni, 17 ianuarie 2011


BASH = to hit someone or something violently 

e.g. He was bashed over the head and left unconscious
e.g. The bike was bashed into a wall
e.g. They had to bash down the door to get to the fire

BASH = to publicly criticize someone

e.g. The two politicians were bashed for not having attended the meeting

IRK =  to annoy someone

e.g. Democrats were irked by tax cuts 


 DORMANT = something that is dormant is not active or developing now, but it may become active or develop in the future

e.g. a dormant volcano
e.g. a dormant tumor which turned into a malignant one
e.g. the plants remain dormant all winter

dormancy (noun)

During cold winter months, some bears go into a dormant state in which their heart rate is extremely low, their body temperature is relatively high, they neither eat nor release bodily waste

Some turtles go dormant over winter.

miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011


Eveline has recently recommended us a clip. Although I am aware of what children can do at an early age, I have to admit that this clip blew me away! That's why I've decided it to make it COD (The Clip of the Day).Let us thank Eve for recommending this amazing video and let us ask ourselves: are we too old or too tired to learn new things?!...
I can't wait to find out what you think about this little girl!

AOD (The Article of the day)

Starting today I have thought about introducing a new kind of post on my blog. It is called AOD, which stands for The Article of the Day. It's like an extra piece of homework that u have to do (I know you hate homework so don't think about this like homework, but rather like a very useful or interesting article, all right?). I expect you to read the articles that I recommend and posts some comments on this blog.

So here's the AOD today about an amazing medical case which proves that when God says "no" , death cannot do anything but watch!...


duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011

COD (The Clip of the Day)

Have you ever needed a band to play music for you at a party? There's a simpler solution on the market right now. You need only two people to hire. Well, this if you can afford to pay them :). Watching this clip I couldn't help thinking how amazing this creature called MAN is.

joi, 6 ianuarie 2011


Prodigy means a young person who has a natural ability to do something extremely well

Prodigies have always managed to stun us because they have the capacity to do amazing things at a tender age. The Internet has helped  many extremely talented people reach stardom status and I really believe this is a great thing, because we would not have the chance to meet such persons otherwise. Here's one incredible example of a prodigy that I have recently come across while surfing the net. There are numerous videos by this amazingly gifted young child but this is one of my favorites. Just watch his clips on youtube and let me know what you think. Now I let you enjoy this one:


miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011


BELATED = happening late

e.g. a belated apology , a belated "Merry Christmas", etc

BEWILDERED = confused and not certain what to do

e.g. The irate and bewildered passengers stranded by a wildcat strike received compensation 

a form of protest in which workers stop doing their jobs without giving their employers any warning