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miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011


Hello everybody

Here I am with a new heading (=titlu de rubrica): NOD (NEWS OF THE DAY). Since everyday we hear at least one amazing or at least interesting piece of news I thought it would be good to keep you abreast of (sa va tin la curent) what is going on in this wonderful world.

Unfortunately, the news of the days is not good at all. In fact, it is very tragic: STEVE JOBS, the mastermind behind Apple, Iphone,Ipod, etc has died.  This incredibly cretive man has been suffering from a rare form of pancreatic cancer and these days has lost the battle. The world will be one brilliant mind less!


8 comentarii:

  1. wow... what a tragedy for the entire world... I think that Bill Gates was enviously on his inteligence...
    i think that GOD needs him, up there, more than anyone on this Earth...
    R.I.P. Steve.. :(

  2. Hi Johnny
    I don't know if Bill Gates was jealous of Steve but one thing is for sure: Steve was a genius. May he rest in peace! Thanks for posting

  3. No problem teacher , i will post every time a new subject appears :)

  4. Rest in peace Steve Jobs.On 05.10.2011 died a genius and again he showed us as if you have billions of dollars all can be killed by an incurable disease but it is true that money is not everything on earth so think twice before you say who does not have enough money is not a happy man as long as healthy.Now i'm curious to see what will happen with Apple empire for a long time although most likely Steve not participated so far at last projects.

  5. you're so right Stefan!money cann't bought a lifetime,or ''more time''...but he was a Genius!he had understand that every moment he/we get is a gift and we must spend it on things that matter,that we must live life fully while we're here and experience everything!learn from our mistakes:find the cause and eliminate it!HE DIDN'T TRY TO BE A PERFECT MAN,JUST AN EXCELENT EXEMPLE OF BEING HUMAN!He left a huge mark in this world,someting for which people will remind him as a genius and the gratitude,the respect of the people will be the proof that he've made a difference in this world...he believed in his purpose and he managed to change a whole world...so we have so many things to learn from this amazing man:we never must lose hope and always believe in us...HE WAS A FIGHTER!
    May he rest in peace!...

  6. Steve was a visionary . Not only Apple lost a genius , the whole world did. I'm sure that Apple will continue their work , but the company will never be the same without him. R.I.P. Steve

  7. Indeed guys,this world has lost one of the most creative minds. We owe Steve so much. Just think about the many thing you can do with an Iphone these days! It's like a portable computer! A person is remembered for how they have lived but also for how have they died. Steve died with dignity, fighting until the very last moment. May God receive his soul altough Steve has a very serious sin: in Eden he tempted Adam to try the APPLE! :)

  8. Did u know that Steve helped at the creation of the first videogame?
